Earnings Disclaimer


NO GUARANTEE and NO WARRANTY that using techniques, ideas, strategies, products or services that are shown on Win-Freedom.com will produce any results for you and/or your web properties. Examples that may be provided in articles, videos and other sources on the site are just examples. They may or may not work for your specific application and are not to be interpreted as a guarantee or promise of earnings.

The materials shown on Win-Freedom.com are not to be interpreted as a “get rich quick” scheme in any way. Every product and strategy applied requires a great amount of work and time and no results are guaranteed. Your earning potential is entirely dependent upon you, and the then current state of web marketing at the time you apply such techniques and ideas. The level of success you achieve applying these techniques and is entirely dependent upon your skills, financial resources, marketing knowledge and time you dedicate to becoming an online success. Because of this, the author of this site cannot directly or directly guarantee your earnings. Some people may make money and some people may make NO money.

All links and all content are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.